About Carbon Ruins

Carbon Ruins was originally developed at Lund University in Sweden. You can find out about the original project as well as the subsequent versions that have been produced as an outreach activity and for COP26 via the ‘Climaginaries’ website.

The Carbon Ruins exhibition introduction and displays
Carbon Ruins at Lund University

The Carbon Ruins exhibition in Lund displayed objects that had been selected by academic researchers, business people, and scientists. The film below shows a selection of the objects that were chosen, and the stories of change that they told.

About Carbon Ruins, Manchester

What makes Carbon Ruins, Manchester particularly special is that it’s happening here, in a museum! Carbon Ruins is all about how museums work – how they select objects, tell stories, and create experiences – that’s what makes this a really exciting and important piece of work.

Not only does it offer a uniquely creative and hopeful way of approaching climate change, but it also helps to shift the focus away from individual actions (and the huge burden of responsibility and guilt that tends to follow) towards large scale collective action and systemic change.

This programme – the resources, competition and exhibition – is a pilot year to test out how Carbon Ruins, Manchester works. This is our first attempt at offering this programme and we hope to learn a lot from this pilot year, so that we can run it again in the future.

The Carbon Ruins, Manchester exhibition

To celebrate all of the submissions that we receive, Manchester Museum has produced an online exhibition. We have also opened Carbon Ruins Manchester at Manchester Museum to showcase 12 featured objects.

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